Ultra Energy Booster, 90 Kapseln mit schneller Freisetzung

6800<h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>Energy to Keep You Going</strong></h2> <p>Sometimes we all need that extra support to put the pep back in our step, which is why Piping Rock is excited to offer our Ultra Energy Booster supplement!</p> <p>Featuring a perfect blend of caffeine sources and energetic herbs such as ginseng, guarana and green tea, each capsule delivers the fuel you need to help get you through your long day, your rigorous workout or before a night out.**</p> <p>As caffeine supplements are not for everyone, you should consult with your trusted medical professional before adding caffeine to your daily regimen.</p>
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Ultra Energy Booster, 90 Kapseln mit schneller Freisetzung

6800<h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>Energy to Keep You Going</strong></h2> <p>Sometimes we all need that extra support to put the pep back in our step, which is why Piping Rock is excited to offer our Ultra Energy Booster supplement!</p> <p>Featuring a perfect blend of caffeine sources and energetic herbs such as ginseng, guarana and green tea, each capsule delivers the fuel you need to help get you through your long day, your rigorous workout or before a night out.**</p> <p>As caffeine supplements are not for everyone, you should consult with your trusted medical professional before adding caffeine to your daily regimen.</p>
4.5 out of 5 stars. 152 Kundenbewertungen
152 Kundenbewertungen152
Größe: 1 | 90 Kapseln mit schneller Freisetzung - Vorrätig
Superior Quality Image
Alle Preise sind inklusive Steuern
1 Jahr 100 % risikofreie Zufriedenheitsgarantie
Hergestellt in den USA,

Weitere Informationen

Energy to Keep You Going

Sometimes we all need that extra support to put the pep back in our step, which is why Piping Rock is excited to offer our Ultra Energy Booster supplement!

Featuring a perfect blend of caffeine sources and energetic herbs such as ginseng, guarana and green tea, each capsule delivers the fuel you need to help get you through your long day, your rigorous workout or before a night out.**

As caffeine supplements are not for everyone, you should consult with your trusted medical professional before adding caffeine to your daily regimen.

Fakten zu Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln

  • Portionsgröße:  1 Kapsel mit schneller Freisetzung
  • Portionen pro Behälter:  90
product Menge
pro Portion
% Tages-
Vitamin B-12 (als Cyanocobalamin) 200 µg 8,333 % Daily Value
Guarana (Paullinia cupana) (Samen) (aus 100 mg von 4:1-Extrakt) 400 mg *
Indischer Wassernabel (Centella asiatica) (ganzes Kraut) (aus 30 mg von 10:1-Extrakt) 300 mg *
Chinesischer roter Ginseng (Panax ginseng) (Wurzel) (aus 62.5 mg von 4:1-Extrakt) 250 mg *
Extrakt aus grünem Tee (Camellia sinensis) (Blatt) (Standardisierter Inhalt von 95 % Polyphenole, 75 % Catechine und 45% EGCG) 100 mg *
Koffein (aus allen Quellen, einschließlich 83 mg wasserfreies Koffein) 100 mg *

Andere Inhaltsstoffe:

Gelatinkapsel, Reispulver, Vegetarisches Magnesiumstearat, Kieselerde


Erwachsene nehmen bis zu viermal täglich 1 Kapsel mit schneller Freisetzung, bevorzugt zu den Mahlzeiten. Die empfohlene Dosis von 2 Kapseln mit schneller Freisetzung alle 4 Stunden darf nicht überschritten werden.


Nicht verwenden, wenn Sie jünger als 18 Jahre alt, schwanger sind oder stillen, oder bei Empfindlichkeit gegenüber Koffein. Die empfohlene Dosis für dieses Produkt enthält etwa die Menge an Koffein, die einer großen Tasse Kaffee entspricht. Begrenzen Sie während der Einnahme dieses Produkts die Verwendung koffeinhaltiger Medikamente, Nahrungsmittel oder Getränke, da ein Übermaß an Koffein zu Nervosität, Reizbarkeit, Schlaflosigkeit und gelegentlich auch zu Herzrasen führen kann. Wenn Sie Medikamente einnehmen oder an einer Krankheit leiden, wenden Sie sich vor der Verwendung an einen Arzt. Sollten Nebenwirkungen auftreten, die Verwendung dieses Produkts sofort einstellen und einen Arzt aufsuchen. Bei defekter Versiegelung unter dem Deckel nicht verwenden. Außer Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. Kühl und trocken lagern.

PipingRocks Leidenschaft für Qualität wird durch eigene fortschrittliche analytische Tests gestützt

PipingRock garantiert höchste Qualität, da wir unsere Nahrungsergänzungsmittel in unseren eigenen hochmodernen Einrichtungen entwickeln, herstellen und testen.

Versprechen für GVO-freie Produkte

Bei PipingRock ist Ihre Gesundheit unsere Priorität Nr. 1. Gentechnisch veränderte Organismen (GVO) sind in vielen Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln enthalten, obwohl ihre Unbedenklichkeit für den langfristigen Verzehr noch nicht erwiesen ist. PipingRock ist bestrebt, kontinuierlich eine breite Palette an gentechnikfreien Produkten anzubieten, die erstklassige Qualität ohne die Möglichkeit einer gentechnischen Veränderung liefern.

100 %-ige Zufriedenheit garantiert

Wir stehen hinter der Qualität unserer Produkte. Sollten Sie mit Ihrem PipingRock Produkt aus irgendeinem Grund nicht zufrieden sein, erstatten wir Ihnen den vollen Kaufpreis gemäß unserer Rückgabebedingungen.

Ultra Energy Booster, 90 Kapseln mit schneller Freisetzung

6800<h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>Energy to Keep You Going</strong></h2> <p>Sometimes we all need that extra support to put the pep back in our step, which is why Piping Rock is excited to offer our Ultra Energy Booster supplement!</p> <p>Featuring a perfect blend of caffeine sources and energetic herbs such as ginseng, guarana and green tea, each capsule delivers the fuel you need to help get you through your long day, your rigorous workout or before a night out.**</p> <p>As caffeine supplements are not for everyone, you should consult with your trusted medical professional before adding caffeine to your daily regimen.</p>
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Ultra Energy Booster, 90 Kapseln mit schneller Freisetzung

6800<h2 class="body-more-heading-third"><strong>Energy to Keep You Going</strong></h2> <p>Sometimes we all need that extra support to put the pep back in our step, which is why Piping Rock is excited to offer our Ultra Energy Booster supplement!</p> <p>Featuring a perfect blend of caffeine sources and energetic herbs such as ginseng, guarana and green tea, each capsule delivers the fuel you need to help get you through your long day, your rigorous workout or before a night out.**</p> <p>As caffeine supplements are not for everyone, you should consult with your trusted medical professional before adding caffeine to your daily regimen.</p>
4.5 out of 5 stars. 152 Kundenbewertungen
152 Kundenbewertungen152
Größe: 1 | 90 Kapseln mit schneller Freisetzung - Vorrätig

Unsere Kunden lieben Qualität und Wert von PipingRock!

4.5rate(152) Kundenbewertungen

Bewertungen & Rezensionen (152)

4.5 out of 5 stars. 152 Kundenbewertungen
152 Kundenbewertungen
5 stern
4 stern
3 stern
2 stern
1 stern
1-8 von 152 Kundenbewertungen
5 out of 5 stars.
Nov 18, 2017
Bewertungen 1
Abstimmen 27
Geschlecht Weiblich
Alter 25 bis 34
Daily, Keeps me going Strong!
Each morning I take one of these with my other vitamins. We live on a farm, many chores to do here! Then at 3 p.m. I am off to a full time job that goes until Midnight! I usually take a second one at 3 p.m. before I leave the house. It gives me just the boost needed. I run on maybe 7 hours of sleep a night. This little super pill is amazing :)Each morning I take one of these with my other vitamins. We live on a farm, many chores to do here! Then at 3 p.m. I am off to a full time job that goes until Midnight! I usually take a second one at 3 p.m. before I leave the house. It gives me just the boost needed. I run on maybe 7 hours of sleep a night. This little super pill is amazing :)
5 out of 5 stars.
Dec 24, 2017
Bewertungen 1
Abstimmen 24
Geschlecht Männlich
Alter 45 bis 54
Lasting energy.
It gives you enough pep without jitters or a caffeine crash.I work 12.5 hour shifts and one does the trick. Thanks P.R.It gives you enough pep without jitters or a caffeine crash.I work 12.5 hour shifts and one does the trick. Thanks P.R.
Lisa 333
5 out of 5 stars.
Aug 18, 2018
Bewertungen 1
Abstimmen 20
Geschlecht Weiblich
Alter 55 bis 64
Great Product!
I just bought my second bottle of Energy Booster. I really love this product! It doesn't upset my stomach and it doesn't make me shaky. It does what I want it to do without any bad side effects. I highly recommend this product!!I just bought my second bottle of Energy Booster. I really love this product! It doesn't upset my stomach and it doesn't make me shaky. It does what I want it to do without any bad side effects. I highly recommend this product!!
5 out of 5 stars.
Aug 17, 2018
Bewertungen 1
Abstimmen 20
Geschlecht Weiblich
Alter 35 bis 44
Great product!
Purchased for energy. I've been taking caffeine pills for many years. I bought these because they have vitamins and green tea. The caffeine content was lower than the store bought ones 75mg compared to 200. I am very pleased to find out that they give me the same if not more energy! Containing more natural ingredients I feel they are heathier. Have just purchased my second bottle! They gave me the energy I desired after the first one. I am very pleased with this product!Purchased for energy. I've been taking caffeine pills for many years. I bought these because they have vitamins and green tea. The caffeine content was lower than the store bought ones 75mg compared to 200. I am very pleased to find out that they give me the same if not more energy! Containing more natural ingredients I feel they are heathier. Have just purchased my second bottle! They gave me the energy I desired after the first one. I am very pleased with this product!
5 out of 5 stars.
Apr 02, 2017
Bewertungen 2
Abstimmen 31
Geschlecht Männlich
Alter 65 oder höher
One of the best combinations around!!
I have been using this Energy Boost for over a year. It helps me to get through 10-12 hour days and still have "stuff" left over for my daily workouts and walks.I have been using this Energy Boost for over a year. It helps me to get through 10-12 hour days and still have "stuff" left over for my daily workouts and walks.
5 out of 5 stars.
Aug 12, 2014
Bewertungen 1
Abstimmen 17
Geschlecht Männlich
Alter 45 bis 54
Great energy without the jitters
I use one of these a day and I get more of a boost than with 5 hour energy, and no jitter like I get from Monster drinks.I use one of these a day and I get more of a boost than with 5 hour energy, and no jitter like I get from Monster drinks.
Jessi cat
5 out of 5 stars.
Feb 14, 2021
Bewertungen 1
Abstimmen 14
Geschlecht Weiblich
Best energy pill!
I have just made my second purchase and I must say, this is the best energy pill I’ve tried and I have tried many over the past 15 years. I usually feel anxious and sick in the stomach with energy pills but this one is mild yet energises me for hours. It’s not over the top, it doesn’t give me crazy amounts of energy and while I don’t feel it kicking in I do feel amazing within about 45 mins of taking. I limit to 1-2 per day and only when I need it and I have never had trouble sleeping. Highly recommend!I have just made my second purchase and I must say, this is the best energy pill I’ve tried and I have tried many over the past 15 years. I usually feel anxious and sick in the stomach with energy pills but this one is mild yet energises me for hours. It’s not over the top, it doesn’t give me crazy amounts of energy and while I don’t feel it kicking in I do feel amazing within about 45 mins of taking. I limit to 1-2 per day and only when I need it and I have never had trouble sleeping. Highly recommend!
Susan Diane
5 out of 5 stars.
Feb 11, 2020
Bewertungen 1
Abstimmen 14
Geschlecht Weiblich
Alter 55 bis 64
Ultra Energy Booster is a great product
The Ultra energy booster works great! I'm no longer having to buy all those energy drinks and I usually only have to take one to help me all day!! it also came very quickly!! I will definitely buy this product again!!The Ultra energy booster works great! I'm no longer having to buy all those energy drinks and I usually only have to take one to help me all day!! it also came very quickly!! I will definitely buy this product again!!
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