Mega Multiple für Männer, 90 Überzogene Filmtabletten

1921<h2><strong>Mega Multi for Men</strong></h2> <p>Piping Rock&rsquo;s Mega Multi For Men provides you with the nutrients you need the most. Our high potency formula includes a bunch of needed vitamins and minerals to benefit you. We&rsquo;ve even included a few of our proprietary blends to bring you the best, from our Ultra Antioxidant Plus Blend to our Special Men&rsquo;s super Blend&hellip;you&rsquo;ll find this vitamin has everything you need in a convenient way. All delivered in coated caplets, daily intake has never been easier.&nbsp;</p>
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Mega Multiple für Männer, 90 Überzogene Filmtabletten

1921<h2><strong>Mega Multi for Men</strong></h2> <p>Piping Rock&rsquo;s Mega Multi For Men provides you with the nutrients you need the most. Our high potency formula includes a bunch of needed vitamins and minerals to benefit you. We&rsquo;ve even included a few of our proprietary blends to bring you the best, from our Ultra Antioxidant Plus Blend to our Special Men&rsquo;s super Blend&hellip;you&rsquo;ll find this vitamin has everything you need in a convenient way. All delivered in coated caplets, daily intake has never been easier.&nbsp;</p>
4.7 out of 5 stars. 276 Kundenbewertungen
276 Kundenbewertungen276
Größe: 1 | 90 Überzogene Filmtabletten - Vorrätig
Superior Quality Image
Alle Preise sind inklusive Steuern
1 Jahr 100 % risikofreie Zufriedenheitsgarantie
Hergestellt in den USA,

Weitere Informationen

Mega Multi for Men

Piping Rock’s Mega Multi For Men provides you with the nutrients you need the most. Our high potency formula includes a bunch of needed vitamins and minerals to benefit you. We’ve even included a few of our proprietary blends to bring you the best, from our Ultra Antioxidant Plus Blend to our Special Men’s super Blend…you’ll find this vitamin has everything you need in a convenient way. All delivered in coated caplets, daily intake has never been easier.

Fakten zu Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln

  • Portionsgröße:  2 Überzogene Filmtabletten
  • Portionen pro Behälter:  45
product Menge
pro Portion
% Tages-
Vitamin A (als Betacarotin und Retinylpalmitat) 1,500 µg 167 % Daily Value
Vitamin C (als Ascorbinsäure) 300 mg 333 % Daily Value
Vitamin D (als D3 Cholecalciferol) 62.5 mcg / 2500 IU 313 % Daily Value
Vitamin E (als D-Alpha-Tocopheryl-Succinat) 13.4 mg 89 % Daily Value
Thiamin (Vitamin B-1) (als Thiamin HCI) 40 mg 3,333 % Daily Value
Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2) 40 mg 3,077 % Daily Value
Niacin (als Nicotinamid) 50 mg 313 % Daily Value
Vitamin B-6 (als Pyridoxin HCI) 40 mg 2,353 % Daily Value
Folat (400 µg Folsäure) 666 µg DFE 167 % Daily Value
Vitamin B-12 (als Cyanocobalamin) 125 µg 5,208 % Daily Value
Biotin (als D-Biotin) 300 µg 1,000 % Daily Value
Panthotensäure (als D-Calcium-Pantothenat) 40 mg 800 % Daily Value
Calcium (aus Calciumkarbonat und Calciumcitrat) 300 mg 23 % Daily Value
Jod (als Kaliumiodid) 150 µg 100 % Daily Value
Magnesium (als Magnesiumoxid) 100 mg 24 % Daily Value
Zink (als Zinkoxid) 30 mg 273 % Daily Value
Selen (als L-Selenomethionin) 200 µg 364 % Daily Value
Kupfer (als Kupfer-Aminosäure-Chelat) 2 mg 222 % Daily Value
Mangan (als Mangan-Aminosäure-Chelat) 2 mg 87 % Daily Value
Chrom (als Chrom-Picolinat) 250 µg 714 % Daily Value
Molybdän (als Molybdän-Aminosäure-Chelat) 75 µg 167 % Daily Value
Inosit (Myo-Inositol) 10 mg *
Silizium (als Siliciumdioxid) 12 mg *
Boron (als Boroncitrat, Boronglycinat und Boronaspartat) 2 mg *
Lutein (aus Ringelblumenblätter-Extrakt) 20 µg *
Lycopin 20 µg *
Eigene Amino-Balance-Mischung
L-Taurin, L-Arginin HCI, BCAA-Komplex (L-Leucin, L-Isoleucin, L-Valin), L-Carnitin, N-Acetylcystein, L-Glutamin
130 mg *
Spezielle Supermischung für Männer
Sägepalme (Serenoa repens) (ganze Beere) (aus 10:1-Extrakt), Erd-Burzeldorn-Extrakt (Obst) (Standardisierter Inhalt von 45 % Saponinen), Kürbis (Curcurbita pepo) (Samen)
120 mg *
Antioxidant Plus-Ultra-Mischung
Kurkuma (Curcuma longa) (Wurzel) (aus 10:1-Extrakt), Holunderbeere (Sambucus nigra) (Obst) (aus 61:1-Extrakt), Blaubeere (Vaccinium myrtillus) (Obst) (aus 4:1-Extrakt), Grapefruitsamenextrakt (Vitis vinifera) (Standardisierter Inhalt von 70% Polyphenole), Alpha-Liponsäure
115 mg *
Kräftigende Mischung
Guarana (Paullinia cupana) (Samen) (aus 4:1-Extrakt), Extrakt aus grünem Tee (Camellia sinensis) (Blatt) (Standardisierter Inhalt von 95% Polyphenole), Chinesischer roter Ginseng (Panax ginseng) (Wurzel) (aus 4:1-Extrakt)
100 mg *

Andere Inhaltsstoffe:

Zellulose (pflanzlich), Croscarmellose, Stärke, Pflanzliche Stearinsäure, Vegetarisches Magnesiumstearat, Zellulosebeschichtung


Erwachsene Männer nehmen einmal täglich 2 beschichtete Tabletten, bevorzugt zu einer Mahlzeit.


Dieses Produkt ist nur für Männer und nicht für die Einnahme von Frauen vorgesehen. Εάν λαμβάνετε φάρμακα, σχεδιάζετε οποιαδήποτε ιατρική ή χειρουργική επέμβαση ή έχετε οποιαδήποτε πάθηση, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της νεφρικής νόσου και της ηπατικής διαταραχής, συμβουλευτείτε τον γιατρό σας πριν από τη χρήση. Vermeiden Sie dieses Produkt, wenn Sie gegen gänseblümchenähnliche Blumen allergisch sind. Sollten Nebenwirkungen auftreten, die Verwendung dieses Produkts sofort einstellen und einen Arzt aufsuchen. Nicht für Personen unter 18 Jahren geeignet. Bei defekter Versiegelung unter dem Deckel nicht verwenden. Außer Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. Kühl und trocken lagern.

Weitere Informationen:

Enthält Fischbestandteile (Kabeljau, Brosme, Flunder, Schellfisch, Seehecht, Seelachs, Rotbarsch, Seezunge).

PipingRocks Leidenschaft für Qualität wird durch eigene fortschrittliche analytische Tests gestützt

PipingRock garantiert höchste Qualität, da wir unsere Nahrungsergänzungsmittel in unseren eigenen hochmodernen Einrichtungen entwickeln, herstellen und testen.

Versprechen für GVO-freie Produkte

Bei PipingRock ist Ihre Gesundheit unsere Priorität Nr. 1. Gentechnisch veränderte Organismen (GVO) sind in vielen Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln enthalten, obwohl ihre Unbedenklichkeit für den langfristigen Verzehr noch nicht erwiesen ist. PipingRock ist bestrebt, kontinuierlich eine breite Palette an gentechnikfreien Produkten anzubieten, die erstklassige Qualität ohne die Möglichkeit einer gentechnischen Veränderung liefern.

100 %-ige Zufriedenheit garantiert

Wir stehen hinter der Qualität unserer Produkte. Sollten Sie mit Ihrem PipingRock Produkt aus irgendeinem Grund nicht zufrieden sein, erstatten wir Ihnen den vollen Kaufpreis gemäß unserer Rückgabebedingungen.

Mega Multiple für Männer, 90 Überzogene Filmtabletten

1921<h2><strong>Mega Multi for Men</strong></h2> <p>Piping Rock&rsquo;s Mega Multi For Men provides you with the nutrients you need the most. Our high potency formula includes a bunch of needed vitamins and minerals to benefit you. We&rsquo;ve even included a few of our proprietary blends to bring you the best, from our Ultra Antioxidant Plus Blend to our Special Men&rsquo;s super Blend&hellip;you&rsquo;ll find this vitamin has everything you need in a convenient way. All delivered in coated caplets, daily intake has never been easier.&nbsp;</p>
Open full size image

Mega Multiple für Männer, 90 Überzogene Filmtabletten

1921<h2><strong>Mega Multi for Men</strong></h2> <p>Piping Rock&rsquo;s Mega Multi For Men provides you with the nutrients you need the most. Our high potency formula includes a bunch of needed vitamins and minerals to benefit you. We&rsquo;ve even included a few of our proprietary blends to bring you the best, from our Ultra Antioxidant Plus Blend to our Special Men&rsquo;s super Blend&hellip;you&rsquo;ll find this vitamin has everything you need in a convenient way. All delivered in coated caplets, daily intake has never been easier.&nbsp;</p>
4.7 out of 5 stars. 276 Kundenbewertungen
276 Kundenbewertungen276
Größe: 1 | 90 Überzogene Filmtabletten - Vorrätig

Unsere Kunden lieben Qualität und Wert von PipingRock!

4.7rate(276) Kundenbewertungen

Bewertungen & Rezensionen (276)

4.7 out of 5 stars. 276 Kundenbewertungen
276 Kundenbewertungen
5 stern
4 stern
3 stern
2 stern
1 stern
1-8 von 276 Kundenbewertungen
5 out of 5 stars.
Jun 21, 2014
Bewertungen 1
Abstimmen 11
Geschlecht Männlich
Alter 65 oder höher
great vitamin
Most complex multiple vitamin I have ever taken - great product!Most complex multiple vitamin I have ever taken - great product!
5 out of 5 stars.
Jun 24, 2014
Bewertungen 3
Abstimmen 14
Geschlecht Männlich
Alter 25 bis 34
Excellent prices and great products!
I have purchased my multivitamins from piping rock for the past 6 months and I have not been let down. The prices are affordable and knowing that the products are manufactured in their own labs and made in the USA is good enough for me to be a lifelong piping rock consumer.I have purchased my multivitamins from piping rock for the past 6 months and I have not been let down. The prices are affordable and knowing that the products are manufactured in their own labs and made in the USA is good enough for me to be a lifelong piping rock consumer.
5 out of 5 stars.
Apr 04, 2016
Bewertungen 2
Abstimmen 23
Geschlecht Männlich
Alter 45 bis 54
I have been looking for a comprehensive and affordable supplement like this for years. My energy levels and overall feeling of wellness have never been better when using it. Thank you Piping Rock!I have been looking for a comprehensive and affordable supplement like this for years. My energy levels and overall feeling of wellness have never been better when using it. Thank you Piping Rock!
5 out of 5 stars.
Mar 07, 2015
Bewertungen 5
Abstimmen 87
Geschlecht Männlich
Alter 25 bis 34
I have been taking vitamin paks for years (bodybuilding specific). Stumbled across this one a few months ago and honestly it rivals any other that I have ever taken. Loads of energy, and more than the daily recommended amount of virtually every nutrient. With an unbeatable price compared to the 20 to 30 dollars that I was paying for most of my previous brands. Absolutely fantastic.I have been taking vitamin paks for years (bodybuilding specific). Stumbled across this one a few months ago and honestly it rivals any other that I have ever taken. Loads of energy, and more than the daily recommended amount of virtually every nutrient. With an unbeatable price compared to the 20 to 30 dollars that I was paying for most of my previous brands. Absolutely fantastic.
Learning about health
5 out of 5 stars.
Nov 16, 2021
Bewertungen 1
Abstimmen 3
Geschlecht Männlich
Alter 35 bis 44
Multi-for men stands above the other brands
i rated this a 5 star due to the surplus of different nutrients found in this mixture that you don't find in other multi-for men. The only thing that i'm not too pleased that this doesn't carry is vitamin K-2 which is good to help with the metabolism of vitamin D but i suppose the magnesium does help there. Also this contains a good amount of selenium and given that this requires two daily tablets this helps to spread this throughout different eating sessions allowing for this to stay in your system.i rated this a 5 star due to the surplus of different nutrients found in this mixture that you don't find in other multi-for men. The only thing that i'm not too pleased that this doesn't carry is vitamin K-2 which is good to help with the metabolism of vitamin D but i suppose the magnesium does help there. Also this contains a good amount of selenium and given that this requires two daily tablets this helps to spread this throughout different eating sessions allowing for this to stay in your system.
Man of red earth
5 out of 5 stars.
Sep 27, 2018
Bewertungen 1
Abstimmen 3
Geschlecht Männlich
Alter 35 bis 44
Outstanding blend of everything
This has it all herbs, super food sources, amino acids, of course a complete vitamin complex. A super mega complex for an ultimate man. It saved me a bundle almost can't believe how much they pack into these pills.This has it all herbs, super food sources, amino acids, of course a complete vitamin complex. A super mega complex for an ultimate man. It saved me a bundle almost can't believe how much they pack into these pills.
5 out of 5 stars.
Mar 24, 2016
Bewertungen 1
Abstimmen 3
Geschlecht Weiblich
Alter 45 bis 54
Wonderful product!
I have been giving these supplements to all my sons they have had great results so far. Thank You.I have been giving these supplements to all my sons they have had great results so far. Thank You.
5 out of 5 stars.
Oct 06, 2015
Bewertungen 14
Abstimmen 14
Geschlecht Männlich
Alter 65 oder höher
Great product
I bought this about 3 weeks ago, because I was having adverse effects from another company and brand. These are one of the BEST multi-vitamins I have found and they seem to be working.I bought this about 3 weeks ago, because I was having adverse effects from another company and brand. These are one of the BEST multi-vitamins I have found and they seem to be working.
Werden angezeigt 1 - 8 von  276  ergebnisse.